My coffee is cold…


Again. On the weekends, I love the fact that I get to use one of my beloved over-sized coffee mugs to drink my coffee  rather than the Contigo thermos(es) that I use when travelling to work, etc. Today is a lovely mug from The Madonna Inn and I’ve already had to stick it back into the microwave 3 times. Continue reading

Walking, Weight Watchers, and The Walking Dead


I’m not entirely sure of TV this year and I’m changing my bad health patterns. But let’s talk TV first!!! Continue reading

the struggle is real…


I have the urge to post/blog all of the time. And yet I find that I wonder if I should head here to WordPress and try to beat that old horse. Or go to my Tumblr page and blog – but really what I do mostly there is talk about Arrow, and sometimes some other shows. I’m not sure if Tumblr is the place to get “real” or too personal. Seems folks want to get their hits of tv show memes and gifs and then move on. Maybe that makes it the perfect place to get personal and “real” then, as folks are moving to fast to really stop and stare? Who the hell knows. Is that what I want? To be out there but never been seen? Why have any blog in the first place? How will it serve? Will it improve my or anyone’s day or life? What is it I want to say anyway? Why have more than one blog? Is it better to consolidate the places on the internet we have?

The struggle is real.

Continue reading

You’re a bitch.


The hike that killed me

What a weekend. After going on an uphill (yes both ways) hike that really did have a lot of flat ground to cover on Saturday, I’ve been relatively in a “lightly-destroyed” mode. (Or more aptly in my impression of a crone mode) Meaning I cannot move with any grace at all, and I haven’t slept much. This morning I find myself home from work feeling like crap, sore, and yet oddly bubbly over things I watched. My brain – it’s a blessing. And a curse. (Thank you, “Monk”, for that ever so useful quote).


Where’s Waldo? Look closely you CAN see me!

Things I watched….

  • The entire Samsung MWC 2016 presentation on YouTube (not live)
  • Downton Abbey S6.E8 (finale before the LAST episode ever – Christmas)
  • The Walking Dead S6.E10 “The Next World”
  • The Talking Dead S5.E10 (w/Nathan Fillion & ah….BIG romance reaction)

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