Back into the walk I go!


So after taking a few days off, I got back to my walks tonight. I am happy to report that I did not experience any shin/tendon pain today. I did start off slowly, and kept my walk relatively short (2.32 miles) AND I did some stretches for a few minutes prior. Seems to have made all the difference in the world. Thank goodness! The rain did arrive today and may still be here tomorrow; so we’ll see if I get a walk in tomorrow morning.


That was today’s photo. I’m not sure why my fitbit share decided to rotate the image, but I’ll deal with it. I actually think it’s due to the fact that I took the image at a 4:3 ratio rather than 16:9. Anyway, during today’s walk I listened to a podcast instead of music. Today’s choice was “Sorry not Sorry w/Jenna Kim Jones”. It’s a lovely sweet profanity free podcast by Jenna Kim Jones and her husband Allan Moss. I discovered Jenna via Alison Rosen’s podcast, “Alison Rosen is Your New Best Friend” – which is one of my very favorite podcasts. Anyway, look up Jenna Kim Jones here.

I spent a little bit of time culling through some of MyFitnessPal’s forum today just to get some insight and inspiration. I want to make sure that I have the right caloric intake for tracking. It does strike me as a little odd that I can have the same weight loss goal at both MyFitnessPal and Fitbit – with the same stats listed – and yet they will have different caloric intakes listed. I do have to force myself to be as honest as possible when tracking foods and lately I’ve started weighing/measuring portions again. It really is the only way to be as close to accurate as possible. Never fear there is NO chance of my starving myself here; I simply like food too much. I’m take great care to eat better in general (mostly limit the eating out and bringing snacks/desserts into the house) and make sure I’m getting enough calories to fuel the walks. But I also am tracking. I NEED to lose as well as get healthier and fitter.

I wrote a bulleted post today over at my Tumblr page about this weeks “Arrow”, “Flash”, and “Legends of Tomorrow”. The link may still be showing up in my Tumblr RSS feed to the right, but it’s also (here) “CW TV Round Up May 6th”.


jenn’s mom walks (today!)..


I’m beginning to wonder if my talking about the enjoyment I’m getting from walking is feeling a little contagious with the family. My mom went on a 2.92 mile walk with me at the reservoir. My sister last week said she’d like to try and go sometimes – but that is going to be tough. She is super busy with work, husband, and my nephews. I really hope that my sister will in fact go sometimes – I would worry less about her. But that is another story for another day.

Now – question for anyone that can answer me? I turned the GPS on my phone and then proceeded to start tracking the walk with both my Fitbit and S-Health apps. Why would S-Health state 2.92 miles and Fitbit would state 2.84? The phone (S-Health) was in my backpack, while the Fitbit Alta was naturally on my wrist. I just wonder as to why they would be dissimilar in mileage when they were using GPS from my phone?! If anyone can help me to understand – I’d greatly appreciate it. (I’ve included a few photos from today’s walk below.)

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To fire or…to be fired?


This week I downloaded and started to listen to one of my favorite podcasts, “The Adam Carolla Show”, and was stunned and shocked to hear Adam opening the show with a very brief and somewhat cold announcement that the show was not going to include Alison Rosen going forward. It was the announcement that somewhat shook up the podcast world really. Four years Alison Rosen sat by Adam (and Bryan Bishop). Four fucking years and he let her go with an email over the holiday break.  Continue reading