
Another couple of years goes by and you get swept up in crazy shit. Right? It isn’t just me. It isn’t just my family. It’s all of us. Some have had it worse than others to be sure. But it’s safe to say that since early 2020 our worlds have been turned upside down. I’ve actually been very busy – just not in a blog sort of way – online since the lockdowns began in March of 2020. In fact, it’s probably a better descriptive to say that I’ve been a tad “obsessed” with discovering truth and navigating through the bullshit that is our mainstream press and government propaganda. I’ve been spamming on my Instagram especially.

Idaho Life

So what’s new?

In January of 2020 my son was shot. He and his girlfriend got into her car after her shift. Her stalker ex, pulled his car behind theirs, blocked them in, got out and walked to the driver side (my son was a passenger), and fired twice in the car. He fled and then shortly later unsuccessfully shot himself. I’m not a person of faith. Even after this. But either miraculously or by sheer luck, my son and his girl were very minimally physically injured (the trauma and scars are longer to fade). So the stalker ex, lived, is missing an eye, and now locked up. For something like another 8 years, as he spent a year in jail, was 21, the judge was sympathetic AND Because he didn’t kill them. You should have heard the victim impact statement I made – it really was something. And I looked the mother fucker in the eye (ha!) and told him exactly what he had done to our families (and his) and that he should be dead. If you think I have any regrets over this – you’d be sorely wrong. This event was a life changer for my son. It was a life changer for me. And I began to really think about leaving California – our family had been talking about it off and on for years due to the increased liberalism rule that is incredibly constraining and suffocating (and NUTS) – and expensive.

March 2020 as a nation we agreed to lockdown as we didn’t know ANYTHING (the public didn’t) about this virus from China. So we did our part and stayed home. I don’t know about you – but it was so very weird for me. It FELT weird. At that moment on March 16, 2020, I felt as if I had stepped into a movie. A zombie apocalypse type of movie. (Anyone else?) Those first 2 weeks were a bit scary. We were glued to the live broadcasts from the White House so we could hear exactly what President Trump and his advisors were saying. (Haven’t watched mainstream press since 1994 and the OJ Trial). And yes, we were among the folks who at first cleaned our packages and mail relentlessly and left them outside for 24 hours prior to opening. I cannot believe we fell for that. I’m happy to say that we gave that up in a few more weeks but….yikes. How dumb.

I think that for many of us the next year and a half brought similar stresses, distrust, and weight gain. That is also over-simplifying but for the sake of moving this story along, I’m just gonna keep it simple. It sucked and it sucked for a lot of people. Business destroyed due to lockdown and restrictions, riots and looting and businesses destroyed, uptick in crime, BLM, defund the police, Kyle Rittenhouse, Presidential Election, banning the sitting President of the United States by social media, etc. More mainstream media lies to distract people from the truth. The truth that C19 vaccines don’t work as advertised, some folks are being injured, the deaths were inflated, and the leftists groups were using this pandemic to take control of regular folks.

I’m just going to fast track at this point to now. It’s March 2022. My entire family sold up and moved out of CA. We did it together. Some of us went earlier than others – but we are all in Idaho now together. Even my 25 year old son. And while our personal spaces and living environments have so very much improved; I find I cannot stop digging and learning and being a watch dog for truth.

The more I read, watch, and listen to, the more convinced I am about the tactics of distraction the press and government do. They are working together. And it is regular people that pay the price. It’s stunning how many “facts” are coming out NOW about C19, the inaccurate reporting of deaths, the data being released about masks being ineffective, etc. that was suppressed and banned a few months ago. Just as a new distraction has been brought into play: Ukraine War and Climate Change (again).

I don’t expect everyone to agree with me. Or like what I will post here. But I will not lie. I will only post the truth. What people do with that (if anyone ever reads this) is up to them.

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